ProgrammeOctober, 1st
11:00 Coffee Break
Chair Alessandro Vercelli - Felipe C. Rezende (University of Missouri at Kansas City) - Understanding the Rise of and the Run on the Shadow Banking System. Chair Stefano Spalletti - Aigul B. Maidyrova (Academy of Public Administration, Astana, Kazakhstan) - Economy development during the post crisis period (a model choice) - Dariko Mazhidenova (Institute of Diplomacy, Astana, Kazakhstan) - The post-crisis development of energy resources in Central Asia - Piero Bini (Roma Tre University) – The “Business Cycle” of Economic Ideas. The Current Economic Crisis and the Role of Scientific Conformism 13: 00 Lunch Break 14:30 parallel sessions Expectations and financial fluctuations – Aula A Chair Roberto Tamborini - Rosella Castellano, Roy Cerqueti (Macerata University) - Framing Effect and Investor's Misperception - Mauro Gallegati, (Università Politecnica delle Marche) Domenico Delli Gatti, Bruce Greenwald, Alberto Russo, Joeseph E. Stiglitz. - Business Fluctuations and Bankruptcy Avalanches in an Evolving Network Economy - Riccardo Bellofiore, Marco Passarella (Bergamo University) - Minsky, the monetary circuit and the current crisis: a stock-flow consistent model - Serena Sordi, Alessandro Vercelli (Siena University) - Heterogeneous expectations and strong uncertainty in a Minskyan model of financial fluctuations
Chair Alberto Zazzaro - Monal Abdel-Baki, (The American University in Cairo, Egypt) - Is Unconventional Monetary Policy a Feasible Tool in Mitigating Financial Crises? Empirical Evidence from Egypt - Dirk J. Bezemer (Groningen University) - Latvia’s Bubble, Crash and Post-Crisis Reforms - Andrea Presbitero, Alberto Zazzaro (Università Politecnica delle Marche) - IMF lending during the crisis: who benefited? 16:30 Coffee Break 16:45- 19:15 Aula Abside - Round Table: Can it happen again? Alessandro Vercelli, Randall Wray, Jan Toporowski, Sergio Rossi 20:00 Conference Dinner October, 2nd
Chair Alessandro Vercelli - Sheri Markose (University of Essex) Simone Giansante, Mateusz Gatkowski, Ali Rais Shaghaghi,Too Interconnected To Fail: Financial Contagion and Systemic Risk in Network Model of CDS and Other Credit Enhancement Obligations of US Banks 10: 15 Coffee Break
Chair Sheri Markose - Rosella Castellano, Luisa Scaccia (Macerata University) - Can Credit Default Swaps Predict Financial Crises? A Markov Switching perspective. - Alesia Kalbaska (Siena University) - Credit Default Swaps in the Analysis of Sovereign Debt Crisis: the Case of PIIGS and the UK - Andreas Krause (Bath University), Simone Giansante (University of Essex) - Interbank Lending and the Spread of Bank Failures:A Network Model of Systemic Risk?
Chair Paolo Ramazzotti - Mauro Marconi (Macerata University), Anna Grazia Quaranta (Bologna University), Silvana Tartufoli (Macerata University) – Evaluating the Risk of Insolvency - Alberto Russo, Adelino Zanini (Università Politecnica delle Marche) - On the expansion of finance and financialisation - Vincenzo D’Apice (Italian Banking Association) Giovanni Ferri (Bari University) - Financial Instability: A Very Long-Run Perspective 12:45 Lunch Break 14:15 Parallel sessions International Monetary system, Euro and Gold – Aula Abside Chair Francesco Farina - Elisabetta Croci Angelini (Macerata University), Francesco Farina (Siena University) – Macroeconomic imbalances within the European Monetary Union. Could they even get worse? - Pompeo Della Posta (Pisa University) - The euro in the international monetary system after the recent financial and economic crisis and after the European crisis - Jean-Guy Loranger (Montréal University) - The Myth of Demonetarization of Gold - Domenica Tropeano, (Macerata University) - The monetary policy response to the financial crisis in Europe and in the united states: a comparison.
Chair Stefano Perri - Dirk J Bezemer (Groningen University) - Changing the Macro Models After the Crisis? - Andrea Fumagalli, Stefano Lucarelli (Pavia University) - Cognitive capitalism as a financial economy of production. - Paolo Paesani (University of Rome, Tor Vergata) Keynes and the current crisis. (Paper) - Elisabetta De Antoni (Trento University) - Money, finance and capitalism’s instability:the different views of Minsky and Keynes 16:30 Coffee Break 16:15 Round Table: Can it happen again? Mario Baldassarri, Riccardo Bellofiore, Giovanni Ferri, Marcello de Cecco Roberto Tamborini