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publishes researches, critical reviews, notices and presentations of projects and reports on institutes' and specialized centres for research's activities as well. Authors can submit a proposal for contribution to the Editorial Office (roberto.sani@unimc.it), enclosing an abstract or a summary of the article together with a curriculum vitae. The texts sent, where not requiring interventions requested by external evaluators, are to be considered in definitive version and therefore the authors will not be allowed to intervene in any way on them. Print drafts of the submitted article will not be sent to the authors.
Authors can download a template, containing the standard-page of an article for Hecl. The file is rewritable and easy to manage by all word-processors:


                      Template of contribution download rtf

Papers should not exceed (spaces, notes and references included) 60,000 characters for the sections Essays and Researches and Sources and Documents; and 25,000 characters, for the sections Critical Reviews and Bibliography and Newsletter.

Articles: the journal publishes  contributions in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German. Still, starting from the year 2010, the Executive council of the journal has established to preferably publish articles which are written in English - and this in order to facilitate: 1) the international peer-reviewing process; 2) the inclusion in international databases; 3) the circulation of contributions among the international scientific community.

Abstracts: Authors are kindly asked to supply their contributions with a short English abstract (of 600-700 charachters, without spaces) and five key-words. For articles written in a language other than English, you must also provide an English translation of the title of the contribution.

Pictures: images should be sent (via email), each one as a separate image file (*.jpg or *.tiff) in high resolution (at least 300 dpi).

Modalities for sending papers. Materials have to be sent, in their definitive version, to the editor (roberto.sani@unimc.it), together with a sketch of the Author (name, last name, scientific and/or academic structure he/her belongs to, email address)

     Editorial Rules

Authors are asked to adhere to the citational style so-called footnote-bibliography (see General Rules for Authors).

In particular, we ask  to adhere strictly to the following instructions:

a)      always use the guillemets («…») for quotations; on the contrary, citation marks (“…”) should be used only to emphasize words and expressions; use single quotes (‘...’) for quotations in quotations.

b)      texts in footnotes should always be closed with the full stop (.);

c)      references to footnotes should always be placed after the full stop and not before (ex.: «…»1.);

d)      the URL of all websites should be referenced only in the footnotes, always communicating the date of the last access (ex.: last access: 11-12-2018);

e)      punctuation marks and references to footnotes should not never be preceded by empty spaces;

f)       in our journal we use only the abbreviation Ibid. (and never the Italian form ‘Ivi’).


For detailed information about references and quotations as well as the insertion of pictures, use of non-latin alphabet ect. see the following pdf:

General Rules (abridged version)   PDF file
Rules for Pictures  - PDF file

Rules for Non Latin Alphabets  PDF file