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This page contains information about the subcription policy of the journal.


For further information, please contact the publisher and distributor University Press EUM (ceum.riviste@unimc.it), or the journal's editorial office (hecl@unimc.it).


Centro Edizioni Università Macerata

via Carducci c/o centro direzionale
62100 Macerata
tel (39) 733 258 6080
fax (39) 733 258 6086

Responsible: Dr. Annateresa Altamura

e-mail: ceum.riviste@unimc.it
web: http://www.unimc.it/ceum//



How to subscribe to HECL?
For subscriptions, users and institutions can contact the publisher-distributor University Press EUM (contact: ceum.riviste@unimc.it) or their customary distributors.

Which are the annual fees?
Subscriptions to HECL (two issues a year) are available both in print version (with full access to the Online version), and in Online-only format.

Subscription Fees per year
Euro countries € 108,00 (VAT included);
non Euro countries € 139,00 (VAT included).

Hecl Online subscription (2006- )
€ 90,00 (VAT included).

Hecl Online from IP (2006- )
€ 96,00 (VAT included).

Single issues
Current issue € 56 (VAT included);
single back issue € 69 (VAT included).

How to obtain the digital version of the journal?
The electronic journal is freely available: 1) after subscribing to the print copy; 2) after subscribing to the Online journal; 3) and finally in pay-per-view mode, for on-line buyers paying by credit card, at the purchase price of 0,26 Euro per page (at the url: http://digital.casalini.it/19711131).
Private users, who want to access the journal, have to register in the website. Registering is free.
Single libraries and/or institutions, which have already subscripted to the print version, can freely access the on-line journal through their own subscription code, which will be given by the
publisher EUM (contact: ceum.riviste@unimc.it).

Is it possible to subscribe to the on-line only journal?
Institutions – Italian and foreign ones – can subscribe to the on-line only journal at the price of 90 €. For subscribing, please get in touch with the publisher
EUM (contact: ceum.riviste@unimc.it) directly – or through your own customary distributors – and submitting the specification “On-line only journal”.

How to download and read the on-line journal?
For downloading and reading documents, it is necessary to install Adobe® Reader 7.0 (or further releases), which is freely downloadable from the Adobe web site (http://www.adobe.it). The software is supported by the following operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, MacOS X v.10.2.8 and 10.3, Palm OS® 3.0 and next releases.

How can a library system subscribe through IP access?
Library systems rather can establish an on-line IP access to Hecl. The annual fee is:

        Hecl Online from IP (2006- )
        € 96,00 (VAT included).

All on-line subscribers (new ones too) have access to the entire collection of the journal (from the year 2006 on). For subscribing please contact the publisher EUM.

Is Hecl also offered within packages of full-text journals?
Hecl journal is included within the following packages of digital contents:
- «EIO-Editoria Italiana Online» (
http://eio.casalini.it) and «EIO-periodici» (http://eio-periodici.casalini.it), which are available trhoughtsubscription. For further informations, customers are asked to contact eio@casalini.it;
- «Historical Abstracts», the international bibliographic database managed by the publisher EBSCO (http://www.ebscohost.com/).