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IX / 1 (2014)

IX / 1 (2014)

HECL_2014-1 June 2014 finale.pdf — PDF document, 5102Kb

Monographic Sections
Sezioni monografiche

School textbooks and teachers training between past and present
Proceedings of the International Conference, Limoges (France), 3-4 June 2013
ESPE de l’Académie de Limoges, Université de Limoges
edited by Paolo Bianchini and Marc Moyon

Paolo Bianchini, Marc Moyon, The school textbook: a source and didactic tool  pp. 11-16
Renaud d’Enfert, The history of mathematics education and textbooks in France in the 19th and 20th centuries  pp. 17-26
Jacques Gleyse, Making Angels. Bodily restraints championed in French school textbooks on moral values (1880-1964)  pp. 27-45
Paulo Mello, Public policies for the production of textbooks for youth and adults in Brazil books: some reflections on recent historical trajectory  pp. 47-57
Jean-Paul Artaud, François Loget, A revolution through images: looking at French science textbooks (Third Republic 1870-1940)  pp. 59-73
Hugues Marquis, The role of old and recent history textbooks in the initial training of primary school teachers pp. 75-85
Muriel Coret, Malika Kaheraoui, The verb in grammar textbooks of yesterday and today. What impact on primary school teacher training?  pp. 87-97
Valérie Legros, Marc Moyon, Laetitia Perret, Including research on textbooks in the training of primary school (K-5) teachers-to-be  pp. 99-110
Maryvone Priolet, The use of mathematics textbooks in the training of elementary school teachers in France  pp. 111-124
Paolo Bianchini, The databases of school textbooks and the Web 2.0 pp. 125-134
Circe Bittencourt, Textbooks and school memory: research and preservation of the books for Projeto LIVRES  pp. 135-147
Robert Strötgen, New information infrastructures for textbook research at the Georg Eckert Institute  pp. 149-162
Gabriela Ossenbach, Textbook databases and their contribution to international research on the history of school culture  pp. 163-174

University Traditions: A Resource or Burden?
Proceedings of the International Conference, Moscow (Russia), 26-28 September 2013

National Research University Higher School of Economics
edited by Roberto Sani and Elena Vishlenkova

Roberto Sani, Elena Vishlenkova, University tradition: a resource or burden?  pp. 177-182
Pieter Dhondt, Nancy Vansieleghem, The idea of a university: a universal institution in a globalised world  pp. 183-202
Elena Vishlenkova, Designers of the past and various histories for a Russian university  pp. 203-225
Pavel Ouvarov, Who founded the University of Paris? A history of a one sixteenth-century lawsuit  pp. 227-250
Luigiaurelio Pomante, Between tradition and innovation. The small provincial universities’ role in the construction of the Italian university system from Unification to the II postwar period  pp. 251-267
Alexander Dmitriev, The cunning of memory: Soviet university and its post-Communist condition  pp. 269-286
Aleksander Rusanov, The continuity of university history: a case-study of Portuguese Studium Generale (1288-1377)  pp. 287-299
Oleg Morozov, The historical past of Tübingen university within the 1927 jubilee context  pp. 301-320
Roberto Sani, Preserving the identity, building the tradition. The annual reports for the inauguration of the academic year as a source for the history of Italian universities: the case of the University of Macerata  pp. 321-335

Essays and researches
Saggi e Ricerche

Elisabetta Patrizi, La formazione del clero veronese dopo Trento: le origini del Seminario diocesano e la riforma della Scuola degli accoliti  pp. 339-380
Inge Botteri, Un’educazione ‘civica’ del Settecento: Jacopo Facciolati e Il giovane cittadino istruito nella scienza civile e nelle leggi  pp. 381-408
Jan Gunčaga, Teachers Institute in Spisska Kapitula. The first teachers institute in the area of Slovakia  pp. 409-429
Edvard Protner, Wege der Durchsetzung des Herbartianismus – am Beispiel Sloweniens  pp. 431-450
Emanuele Pagano, Il liceo napoleonico di Brescia  pp. 451-466
Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia, A case-study: gyms and gymnastics teachers in Apulia and Basilicata (1861-1893)  pp. 467-486
Mariella Colin, Un Cuore azzurro, un Cuore rosa: da De Amicis a Haydée nell’Italia liberale  pp. 487-508
Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, «Moulding the peasant masses to make our Italy into a Nation ». Ottavio Gigli and the National Association for the Founding of Rural Infant Schools, from the struggle against illiteracy to nation-building (1866-1873). Part Two  pp. 509-558
Valeria Viola, L’istruzione tecnica nel Meridione nel quarantennio postunitario (1861-1898). L’esperienza del Molise pp. 559-601
Carla Ghizzoni, Cattolici, educazione e scuola nei primi anni dell’Unione popolare (1906-1909)  pp. 603-634
Simonetta Polenghi, School subjects didactics in the history of education. Sources and methodology. Italian studies  pp. 635-648
Sabrina Fava, «Il Vittorioso»: a magazine for youth education beyond Italian fascist propaganda  pp. 649-666
Dana Kasperova, Problems and the course of education in Terezín Ghetto  pp. 667-692
Haifeng Hui, Appropriating Robinson Crusoe in Chinese primary school after-class compulsory reading: applauding a ‘Kind-Hearted’ Crusoe  pp. 693-708
Alberto Barausse, Primary School Teachers’ Associations in Italy from Unification to late ninteenth century: origin and development between processes of professionalization and nationalization  pp. 709-754

Sources and Documents
Fonti e Documenti

Fabiana Loparco, Ferdinando Martini e la direzione del «Giornale per i Bambini» in alcuni documenti inediti (1881-1889)  pp. 757-779
Critical Reviews and Bibliography
Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia

Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche
Luigiaurelio Pomante, Between memory and research. The Italian university archives in some recent publications  pp. 785-800

Forum / Discussioni

Giorgio Chiosso, Giovanni Calò tra umanesimo classico e pedagogia cattolica
  pp. 803-808
Emiliano Mettini, Citizens and patriots  pp. 809-814
Dorena Caroli, The school of the Hasburgs  pp. 815-820

Notices / Recensioni

Charles Magnin, Christian Alain Muller (edd.), Enseignement secondaire, formation humaniste et société –
XVIe-XXIe siècle
(D. Caroli) pp. 823-826
Gary McCulloch, The Struggle for the History of Education (D. Caroli)  pp. 826-829
L’organizzazione dei saperi all’Università di Pisa. Dalle Facoltà ai nuovi Dipartimenti (L. Pomante) pp. 829-832
Giorgio Chiosso, Libri di scuola e mercato editoriale. Dal primo Ottocento alla Riforma Gentile (F. Targhetta)  pp. 832-834
Paolo Alfieri, Oltre il ‘recinto’. L’educazione popolare negli oratori milanesi tra Otto e Novecento (C. Ghizzoni)  pp. 835-837
Carlo G. Lacaita e Mariachiara Fugazza (edd.), L’istruzione secondaria nell’Italia unita. 1891-1901 (G. Chiosso) pp. 837-838
Juri Meda (ed.), Falce e fumetto. Storia della stampa periodica socialista e comunista per l’infanzia in Italia  pp. 838-841
(F. Targhetta)
Riccardo Pagano, Il pensiero pedagogico di Antonio Gramsci (A. Schiedi)  pp. 841-844
Hervé A. Cavallera, Storia della scuola italiana (M. Ostenc)  pp. 844-847
Mirella D’Ascenzo (ed.), Tutti a scuola? L’istruzione elementare nella pianura bolognese tra Otto e Novecento (M. Ostenc)  pp. 848-849

Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres
Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca

Rita Hofstetter, Emmanuelle Picard, Alexandre Fontaine, Solenn Huitric, «History of education». Mapping the discipline / Cartographie de la discipline histoire de l’éducation  pp. 853-856
Christof Aichner, «Für Geist und Licht! … das Dunkel schwand». Die Thun-Hohensteinschen Universitätsreformen 1849–1860. Konzeption – Umsetzung – Nachwirkung. Tagungsberich
  pp. 857-860
Roberto Sani, La tercera edición del «Premio José Manuel Esteve» atribuye a Antonio Viñao Frago  pp. 861-862

International Referees' Committee (2014) p. 863