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XI / 2 (2016)

XI / 2 (2016)

Abstracts - HECL - 2016 n. 2.pdf — PDF document, 562Kb

Essays and Researches
Saggi e Ricerche

Milka Terziyska
Cultural and educational role of the Rila Monastery in the history of Bulgaria (X-XIX centuries). A bridge between eras, generations and cultures  pp. 11-25

Alejandro Gómez Camacho
Los maestros ortógrafos en el Siglo de Oro Español  pp. 27-39

Luisa Consuelo Soler Lizarazo, Noemi Cinelli
Politiche educative nella Nueva Granada e nel Reino de Chile. Caballero y Góngora e Salas y Corbalàn, due intellettuali nel Secolo dei Lumi pp. 41-58

Teresa González Pérez, Gilberto Martín Teixé
Teacher Training in Spain from late Francoism to the beginning of the Constitutional Monarchy: Reforms and Challenges  pp. 59-80

Sebile Kutgün Kayaduman, Giovanni Patriarca
Per una storia del sistema educativo dall’Impero Ottomano alla Turchia contemporanea  pp. 81-99

Neslihan Kansu-Yetkiner
Banned, Bagged, Bowdlerized: A Diachronic Analysis of Censorship Practices in Children’s Literature of Turkey  pp. 101-120

Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani
Between rhetoric celebration and social marginalization. The teachers’ and headmasters’ memory and celebration through the obituaries published in the school and teachers’ magazines in the first century after the unification (1861-1961). Part Two  pp. 121-150

Alessandro Sergi
The Scientific Method in Giuseppe Sergi’s Pedagogy  pp. 151-165

Natalia Naydenova
We Shall See Him as He Is: Image of God in Soviet Children’s Literature of the 1960s  pp. 167-186

Dorena Caroli
«Science and didactics» in school textbooks for secondary school during de-Stalinization in the Soviet Union (1954-1962)  pp. 187-212

Simone Amorim, Leyla de Santana, Hugo de Almeida
The Source of Truth or Path to Virtue brochure and the apprehensions about the Nineteenth century primary instructions in the Sergipe Province  pp. 213-225

Anna Debè, Simonetta Polenghi
Assistance and education of mutilated soldiers of World War I. The Italian case  pp. 227-246

Luca Montecchi
Between the recovery of abandoned children and vocational training: the Italian training-ships between the Nineteenth and Twentieth century  pp. 247-265

Lada Duraković
Music as the Educational Mean in the Making of the «Socialist Man»: Music Education in Primary Schools of Croatia (1945-1965)  pp. 267-289

Haifeng Hui
China and the World: Children’s Literature Studies as a Discipline and its Development  pp. 291-303

Andrea Bobbio
From mother to woman. The child’s socialization in the Italian kindergarten from the 60s to the 90s. Assistance, citizenship and education  pp. 305-315

Sabrina Fava
Per un’educazione giovanile europea alla lettura: «Il premio europeo Città di Caorle» (1962-1968)  pp. 317-347

Juan Manuel Fernández-Soria
Los tiempos de la memoria del Instituto para Obreros  pp. 349-372

Marnie Campagnaro
Seduction and Sedition of the “Table” in the History of Children’s Literature  pp. 373-389


Sources and Documents

Fonti e documenti

Luca Montecchi
Il rinnovamento dei «metodi scolastici» nello Stato Pontificio nel carteggio tra Vitale Rosi e Ottavio Gigli (1845-1847)  pp. 393-421

Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni e Bibliografia

Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche

Vučina Zorić
The Influence of ideas of J.F. Herbart and the Herbartianism in Slovenia during the Period of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy  pp. 427-438

Luigiaurelio Pomante
«La larga noche de la educación española». Il sistema educativo spagnolo negli anni della dittatura franchista  pp. 439-450

Giorgio Chiosso
Fare pedagogia a Trieste (1960-2010)  pp. 451-456

Fabio Targhetta
Il romanzo d’un maestro di Edmondo De Amicis: le ragioni della sua recente riscoperta  pp. 457-464

Giorgio Chiosso
Il coraggio di dire “cose nuove”. A proposito di quattro recenti libri  pp. 465-471

Forum / Discussioni

Wolfgang Brezinka
The subject of Pedagogy at Austrian universities and teacher training between 1774 and 1918  pp. 475-496

Anna Ascenzi, Marta Brunelli
Accomplishing «the silent mission of Italian women at war». The fascist “pedagogy of war” for women: from the kitchen front to the war garden  pp. 497-522

Giorgia Grilli
L’importanza di chiamarsi letteratura. La letteratura per l’infanzia e le tesi di Christopher Booker sull’origine e la funzione delle storie  pp. 523-535

Giordana Merlo
Time and reading  pp. 537-547

Milan Ligoš
Aus der Forschung der Schülermotivation im Muttersprachenunterricht in dem letzten halben Jahrhunderts (In Bezug auf Slowakisch als Muttersprache)  pp. 549-562

Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres
Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca

Emma Beseghi
One hundred years since the birth of Dahl: an International conference on current perspectives of research. Rebel Stories and Glittering Eyes. One Hundred Years with Roald Dahl (Bologna, Children’s Book Fair 2016, April 5th 2016  pp. 565-571

Anna Ascenzi, Kira Mahamud, Elisabetta Patrizi
Two recent international events on textbook research. The Symposium Education in periods of political transition and the Workshop After the War. A New Beginning?  pp. 573-587

Michela D’Alessio
«Una biografia collettiva degli educatori italiani degli ultimi due secoli». Note a margine del seminario di studi su Educatori e istituzioni scolastiche in Italia: percorsi, bilanci e prospettive d’indagine (Potenza, 26 novembre 2015)  pp. 589-598

Marnie Campagnaro
Children’s Literature and Play. La conferenza internazionale The Child and the Book (Breslavia, 19-21 maggio 2016)  pp. 599-602

Marta Brunelli, Paulí Dávila Balsera, Luis Mª Naya Garmendia
Espacios y Patrimonio Histórico-Educativo / Spaces and Historical-Educational Heritage. Balance, suggestions and perspectives from the VII Jornadas Científicas of the SEPHE and the V Simposio Iberoamericano, Historia, Educación, Patrimonio of the RIDPHE (San Sebastián, June 28 - July 1,2016)  pp. 603-609

International Bibliography
Bibliografia Internazionale

Dorena Caroli, Luigiaurelio Pomante
International Bibliography of History of Education and Children’s Literature (2015)  pp. 613-811

International Referees’ Committee (2016)  p. 813