XIV / 1 (2019)
Monographic Section
Juri Meda, Luigiaurelio Pomante, Marta Brunelli, Memories and public celebrations of education in contemporary times. Presentation, pp. 11-21
Place of memory
Juri Meda, The ≪Sites of School Memory≫ in Italy between memory and oblivion: a first approach, pp. 25-47.
Marta Brunelli, ≪Non-places≫ of school memory. First reflections on the forgotten places of education as generators of collective school memory: between Oral history, Public history and Digital history, pp. 49-72.
Joaquim Pintassilgo, Alda Namora de Andrade, Different schools as ≪places of memory≫: the case of Cooperativa A Torre (1970-present days), pp. 73-90.
Francesca Davida Pizzigoni, The Beckwith school-museums as a place of memory, pp. 91-107.
Neslihan Kansu-Yetkiner, Politics of collective memory in education: Atatürk corners in Turkish schools, pp. 109-125.
Aleksandra Maksimovic, Jovana Milutinovic, The School Museum as a tool for building a bridge between the national and European cultural heritage in Vojvodina: a case study of the Serbian Orthodox Gymnasium in Novi Sad (1810-1918), pp. 127-144.
Claudemir de Quadros, Forging a new homeland: the unique experience of brizoletas in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil in the second half of the 20th century, pp. 145-161.
Tony Honorato, Ana Clara Bortoleto Nery, The normal school of Piracicaba as a memory place of the republican regime in Brazil, pp. 163-182.
Politics of memory
Alberto Barausse, ≪Ricambiare l’amore che portano all’educazione…≫. Public memory and awards of honour of public education in Italy from the Unification to the end of the 19th Century (1861-1898), pp. 185-205.
Maria Cristina Morandini, Medals and diplomas of merit for teachers: the Premio Bottero award in Turin (1891-1918), pp. 207-222.
Chiara Venturelli, A stone on the wall. Collective and public memory of an eclectic primary school teacher, pp. 223-237.
Gianluca Gabrielli, Carla Carpigiani, Renewing the ties of one century of history: an experiment of citizen history on the occasion of the Centenary of the Fortuzzi school, pp. 239-257.
Funeral memories
Joakim Landahl, Annika Ullman, The politics of immortality: the funeral of an education minister and teacher unionist, pp. 261-278.
Mirella D’Ascenzo, Remembering teachers and headmasters. Funeral memories as source in history of education between nation building and collective memory, pp. 279-294.
Vučina Zorić, Funeral memories as a form of promotion of the value system and contributions of important protagonists in the area of development of education in Montenegro, pp. 295-314.
Invention of educational tradition
Luigiaurelio Pomante, The invention of tradition in the Italian University during the Fascist period (1922-1943), pp. 317-332.
Sara Ramos Zamora, Teresa Rabazas Romero, The invention of the educational tradition in religious Madrid elite schools. Identity and distinction of the private school culture during Franco’s dictatorship, pp. 333-358.
Alla Salnikova, Svetlana Malysheva, ≪Lenin has studied here≫: a case study of the invention of the Soviet University ≪revolutionary≫ myth, pp. 359-378.
Luana Salvarani, The invention of the Common School tradition. Early American educational historiography and the building of a long-standing narrative, pp. 379-394.
Essays and Researches
Saggi e Ricerche
Özgür Yıldız, Syrian protestant college in American missionary archives (1887-1902), pp. 397-419.
Elena Fernández Gómez, ≪Transformando el jardín en escuela≫. Las escrituras expuestas en las Escuelas del Ave-María del Padre Manjón, pp. 421-447.
Imre Garai, András Németh, Changes in and challenges of the secondary teacher training system in Budapest during the Great War and the period immediately following it, pp. 449-464.
Chengcheng You, The cultural poetics of anthropomorphism: rereading a chinese fable, pp. 465-483.
Haifeng Hui, Yuan Tan, Beyond the initial aim of literary adaptation for children: stylistic and narrative changes and their ≪Byproducts≫ in the Penguin readers edition of Gulliver’s Travels, pp. 485-498.
Eva Vitezova, Jana Waldnerova, Brief history of Slovak children’s literature until 1960, pp. 499-512.
Tetiana Kochubei, Olha Melnykova, Educational-and-cultural processes in Ukraine in XVIIth Century: european tendencies, pp. 513-533.
Javier Laspalas, Un tratado de educacion cosmopolita: las Cartas de Lord Chesterfield a su hijo, pp. 535-556.
Manuel Ferraz Lorenzo, El concepto curricular de ≪consumo≫ durante el tardofranquismo y la transicion democratica en Espana (1969-1982), pp. 557-575.
Noemi Cinelli, ≪!Estudiosa juventud! Elevad vuestra mente ácia la nobleza del arte!≫. The tradition of the artistic education in Chile in the Speech from Alessandro Ciccarelli (19th century), pp. 577-589.
Sofia Montecchiani, Il secolo dei trovatelli e il brefotrofio di Osimo. Un modello di istituto assistenziale tra fede e diplomazia nelle Marche dell’Ottocento, pp. 591-624.
Marco Severini, There is no story without its heroes. Ten women and the right to vote in Italy in 1906, pp. 625-640.
Michel Ostenc, Les organisations de jeunesse fascistes dans l’Italie mussolinienne (1926-1943). L’Opera Nazionale Balilla (O.N.B.) et la Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.). Première partie, pp. 641-675.
Sources and Documents
Fonti e documenti
Carmela Covato, L’educazione delle donne nell’Italia post-unitaria. Una autorevole discussione a più voci della fine degli anni Ottanta, pp. 679-713.
Critical Reviews and Bibliography
Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche
Ilaria Mattioni, Luana Salvarani, Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, Nuove piste di ricerca per la storia della letteratura per l’infanzia: a proposito di un recente volume, pp. 719-731.
Michel Ostenc, Gwenola Spataro, Giuseppe Bottai et l’Université italienne: un projet de reforme de audacieux, pp. 733-738.
Giorgio Chiosso, Qualche segnalazione sull’attuale produzione storico-educativa, pp. 739-751.
Luigiaurelio Pomante, La scuola elementare italiana e il Sessantotto. Alcune riflessioni storiografiche, pp. 753-761.
Forum / Discussioni
Diana Gonçalves Vidal, Cultura materiale della scuola e scolarizzazione, pp. 765-778.
Diego Corrochano, Alejandro Gómez-Gonçalves, Beatriz Sánchez-Barbero, Elena Martín-Pastor, Field trips and other teaching resources in natural and social sciences: educational implications from past experiences in Spanish primary schools, pp. 779-798.
Lucia Paciaroni, School archives: a resource for historical-educational research and schools, pp. 799-807.
Notices / Recensioni
Mirella D’Ascenzo, Per una storia delle scuole all’aperto in Italia (F. Targhetta), pp. 811-813.
Sabine Reh, Denise Wilde (Hrsg.), Die Materialität des Schreiben-und Lesenlernens. Zur Geschichte schulischer Unterwei sungspraktiken seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts (M. Vogt, A. Floth), pp.813-816.
Agustin Escolano Benito, Emociones & Educación. La construcción de la educació emocional (M. D’Ascenzo), pp. 816-817.
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres
Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca
Chiara Meta, L’≪Archivio Mario Alighiero Manacorda≫: una recente acquisizione del Museo della Scuola e dell’Educazione ≪Mauro Laeng≫, pp. 821-841.
Mirella D’Ascenzo, Patrimonio storico educativo in vetrina. Appunti su una recente mostra sulle scuole all’aperto tra passato e futuro, pp. 843-859.
International Referees’ Committee (2019), p. 861.