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XV / 2 (2020)

The historical research into school practice
edited by Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Francisca Comas Rubí, Bernat Sureda Garcia



Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Francisca Comas Rubí, Bernat Sureda Garcia, The historical research into school practice. Presentation, pp. 11-15

Juri Meda, School writings as sources for the study of teaching practices: the Italian case (1925-1945), pp. 17-28

Sergi Moll Bagur, Bernat Sureda Garcia, Private religious schools for boys in the Spanish post Civil War period: an analysis through triangulating historical sources, pp. 29-48

Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva, Gizele de Souza, Historical perspective of material school culture: theoretical and methodological possibilities, pp. 49-60

Pedro Luis Moreno Martínez, José Pedro Marín Murcia, Teaching material catalogues as a source for studying educational practice in natural science in Spain (1882-1936), pp. 61-84

Maria Stephanou, Mariana Venafre Pereira de Souza, Illustrated gallery of animals: figurative ABCs and the literacy process (France and Brazil, 19th and 20th centuries), pp. 85-110

Francisca Comas Rubí, Sara González Gómez, Professional press for teachers as a source to study schooling practice: «El Magisterio Balear» (1873-1916), pp. 111-129

Maria Augusta Martiarena de Oliveira, School photographs: studying the history of a school institution and educational practices based on images, pp. 131-150

Sylvain Wagnon, The Filmstrip. History and evolution of an educational tool, pp. 151-161

Josep Casanovas, Núria Padrós, Eulàlia Collelldemont, The representation of school on NO-DO: visions of school practice on Francoist newsreels, pp. 163-182

Llorenç Gelabert Gual, Xavier Motilla Salas, School textbooks, didactic material and a new approach in music teaching in Catalonia with the opening of the school of musical pedagogy – Ireneu Segarra method, pp. 183-198

Carlos Menguiano-Rodríguez, Maria del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Gabriel Barceló-Bauzà, A new source for the study of educational practices: competitive exams for school headteacher positions (Spain, 20th century), pp. 199-218

Pauli Dávila, Luis M. Naya, Joana Miguelena, Yearbooks as a source in researching school practices in private religious schools, pp. 219-240


The past and the present: a historical outline of Polish research into translations of children’s and young adult literature
edited by Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, Anna Ascenzi


Anna Ascenzi, Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, The past and the present: a historical outline of Polish research into translations of children’s and young adult literature. Introduction, pp. 243-248

Ewa Nicewicz-Staszowska, Is more always better? Translations of Italian children’s literature in Poland after 2000. Selected aspects, pp. 249-269

Justyna Łukaszewicz Bianca, Pitzorno in Polish translations, pp. 271-288

Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, Natalia Paprocka, From outside the Iron Curtain: censorship and translations of Western children’s and young-adult literature in people’s Poland under Stalinism (1948-1956), pp. 289-307

Irena Barbara Kalla, Dutch-language children’s literature in Polish translation: 200 years of relations between the peripheries, pp. 309-329

Elżbieta Jamróz-Stolarska, One hundred years of illustrated books for children in Poland: an analysis of the publishing market in the years 1918-2018, pp. 331-350


Essays and Researches

Luigiaurelio Pomante, Professors’ obituaries. A valuable source for studying the history of university and higher education, pp. 353-388

Victoria K. Pichugina, Yana A. Volkova, Marcus Tullius Cicero’s concept of education through culture, pp. 389-406

Victoria Shmidt, Female bildungsroman in Czech conduct periodicals: the inception of the genre, pp. 407-428

Susanne Adina Meyer, Teaching history of art in European universities and high schools in the light of a 1914 investigation, pp. 429-448

Roberto Sani,  Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and italian emigration in Brazil: pastoral care, education and national identity (1888- 1905), pp. 449-469

Nuria Anaya-Reig, Vicente Calvo Fernández, Prácticas útiles para enseñar hoy a leer contenidas en una cartilla hispanoamericana del siglo XIX, pp. 471-483

Catherine Broom, Myrtle Shannon v. Herbert King: power, privilege & silence, pp. 485-499

María de la Hoz Bermejo Martínez, «Debemos considerar al marido como nuestro señor». El ideal de la perfecta esposa en los teatros de papel de Seix i Barral (1915-1953), pp. 501-520

Paolo Scotton, Università, ideologie e potere. La comunità di discorso universitaria del primo franchismo, pp. 521-539

Jerzy Kochanowicz, Beata Topij-Stempińska, Education in Jesuit boarding schools for nobles in Połock (1772-1820), pp. 541-561

Erika González-García, Miguel Beas Miranda, Inés María Muñoz-Galiano, National anthems: voices of the past and feelings of the present, pp. 563-584

Elsa Maria Bruni, The selection of elites during the italian fascist period: from Gentile’s idealism to Bottai’s eugenics, pp. 585-608

Giulia Gadolini, Carla Ghizzoni, Garibaldi narrato e celebrato nelle scuole elementari nel primo centenario della nascita (1907). Il caso di Milano, pp. 609-652

Dalila Forni, Male and female teachers between real and ideal. The literaryhistorical representation of three novels by De Amicis, pp. 653-669

Alberto Barausse, Terciane Ângela Luchese, Celebrations of Italiannes: italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul and schools, between memory and history (1924-1926), pp. 671-698

Valentino Minuto, L’apartheid educativo nell’Eritrea italiana. Quali scuole per i meticci?, pp. 699-713

Lucia Paciaroni, La «scuola attiva» a Mogliano. Riflessione pedagogica e pratica didattica nell’attività magistrale di Giovanni Lucaroni (1934-1956), pp. 715-740


Sources and Documents


Robert L. Hampel, Entrance examinations in the 1920s: correspondence schools decline the invitation, pp. 743-749


Critical Reviews

Carmela Covato, Juri Meda, Alberto Barausse,  Scuola, memoria, storia. A proposito di un recente volume, pp. 755-775

Haifeng Hui, Some considerations on comparative studies of Chinese children’s literature and foreign children’s literature, pp. 777-782

Xiaoling Ke, Reflections on children’s adaptation of British literary classic, pp. 783-788

Carla Ghizzoni, Un grande affresco della vicenda pedagogica ed educativa italiana tra Otto e Novecento. A proposito di un recente saggio di Giorgio Chiosso, pp. 789-794

Edoardo Bressan, Il XVIII secolo e le origini della modernità. A proposito di Settecento pedagogico e riformatore di Roberto Sani, pp. 795-800

Giovanni d’Elia, L’istruzione difende la libertà. Riflessioni sui percorsi educativi delle donne in Albania tra XIX e XX secolo, pp. 801-807




Carmela Covato, Marxismo e femminismo: una questione educativa?, pp. 811-823

Sofia Montecchiani, Cento anni dalla scomparsa di Vamba: contributo per un bilancio storiografico su «Il Giornalino della Domenica» e per l’individuazione di nuove prospettive di ricerca, pp. 825-842

Serena Sani, L’evoluzione del fenomeno migratorio in Europa e le indicazioni delle istituzioni europee in merito all’educazione e all’istruzione dei figli dei lavoratori immigrati. Una rilettura storica, pp. 843-858

Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, Bogumiła Staniów, La letteratura italiana per l’infanzia in Polonia (1945-1989): traduzioni di classici e nuovi successi, pp. 859-875

Michele Zedda, Learning in the Zibaldone by Leopardi, pp. 877-889

Nor Adilah Abdul Hamid, Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Wan Nur Madiha Ramlan, Adapting fairy tales through an islamic lens: a study of GilaniWilliams’ Cinderella: An Islamic Tale, pp. 891-905

Vittoria Bosna, Adelina Mamaqi: a writer for childhood in 20th century Albania, pp. 907-922

International Referees’ Committee (2020), p. 925